Thalo Zom: Climbing The Magical Mountain

The trip of our dreams started when my friends and I were scrolling through tour guide pages and stumbled across a post about Thalo Zom. 

Climbing mountains has always been a beautiful escapism from the usual insipid life for me. Just the mere existence of it all makes me catch my breath and admire the beauty of it. Captivating would be an understatement to describe what it feels like to look at the breathtaking snow-capped peaks, draped in a blanket of white. The mountains are adorned with lush green valleys, dotted with colorful wildflowers. The sight is truly awe-inspiring, filling you with a sense of tranquillity and wonder. It feels like nature’s masterpiece is inviting you to explore and appreciate its beauty.

Our Momentous Journey to Thalo Zom:

We left for Swat from Islamabad by train. The train ride wasn’t the most comfortable, however, it surely was the most fun as we shared stories, laughter, and snacks. The scenery outside the window became a backdrop for our conversations and inside jokes. We took turns playing games and sang along to our favorite tunes. It gave me memories that would last a lifetime.


At 6 pm, Mingora welcomed us. Grabbing delicious coffee at the train station, hunger led us to a restaurant for dinner. The night unfolded at Fizagat Park.The park had a zoo, river lifts, cable cars, and river boats. Despite the tiresome journey, we explored the park and also went on the tube boats. 


The next day we woke up to the appetising aroma of freshly baked pancakes at 9 am. After a scrumptious breakfast, we set out towards White Palace, Marghozar at 9:30 am.

We explored the palace and it was truly a masterpiece of local history. There were 24 active spacious decorated rooms and the Royal Suite where Queen Elizabeth once stayed for three days. The weather was beautiful and the palace was a cozy place to relax and watch the rain pour on the fully green carpeted roads while a band of musicians were playing soft music.

Malam Jabba:

We returned to Mingora at 2 pm for lunch and then set out for Malam Jabba. Malaam Jabba is a hill station in the Hindu Kash mountain range nearly 40 km from Saidu Sharif in Swat Valley, KPK. Malaam Jabba is home to one of the very few ski resorts in Pakistan so we had to try skiing.

We couldn’t contain our excitement as we strapped our skis on, and we glided down the powdery slopes, feeling the rush of adrenaline. Laughter filled the air as we playfully raced each other, trying to see who could make it to the bottom first.

As we explored the ski resort, we discovered breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and valleys. The snow-covered landscape was like a winter wonderland, creating a picturesque backdrop for their unforgettable moments.

Behrain And Kalam:

The next morning we headed towards Behrain and Kalam. We drove around the river surrounding beautiful green hills. Behrain is a popular riverside tourist resort, with bazaars worth exploring their remarkable handicrafts. 

After having a quick lunch at Behrain, we continued our journey towards Kalam. Situated at a distance of 99 km from Mingora and 32 km from Behrain in the northern upper reaches of Swat Valley along the bank of Swat River, Kalam is a tourist destination that awaited us with its scenic beauty and cultural charm. Additionally, Kalam is surrounded by lush green hills, thick forests, and breathtaking lakes, meadows, and waterfalls. Moreover, it is the source of the Swat River.

We spent the night in Kalaam gathered around a cozy bonfire, sipping hot chocolate and sharing stories of adventures. The warmth of the fire and quality time with friends made the experience even more special. From Kalam, we went with our porters on jeeps along the Utrar road, crossing a pass at 3,600 m and entering Kumrat Valley. Throughout the journey, which took a whole day, the scenery unfolded, revealing the breathtaking landscapes that awaited us in Kumrat Valley.

Kumrat Valley:

Furthermore, Kumrat Valley is home to a variety of flora and fauna, adding to its natural beauty. In addition, the valley is dotted with traditional wooden huts, providing a glimpse into the local culture and way of life. Moreover, the region is also known for its cascading waterfalls and meandering streams, adding to the overall charm of the valley. Additionally, the peaceful atmosphere and the opportunity for outdoor activities make it an ideal destination for both relaxation and adventure. Subsequently, from Kumrat, we headed towards our final, most awaited destination—the Thalo Zom Mountain, standing tall at an elevation of 6,050 meters.

Thalo Zom:


Thalo Zom Mountain (6,050 m) is renowned for its rugged beauty, featuring surrounding towering peaks, deep valleys, and lush greenery. Moreover, the mountain is home to diverse flora and fauna, creating a captivating landscape. . The range is a part of the Hinduskush range, enhancing its beauty more than I thought was ever possible.

As we stood at the foot of the mountain, my eyes widened in awe. The majesty of the peak took my breath away. Moreover, the towering peak seemed to touch the sky, and the lush green valleys below were like a painting come to life.

For a while, we stood there in complete silence, taking in the peacefulness and serenity of the surroundings.

Climbing The Majestic Thalo Zom:

Embarking on the challenging ascent of Thalo Zom (6,050 m) felt like stepping into a fantasy world. Initially, the journey began at Kumrat Valley’s base camp, a relatively serene 2,700 meters above sea level. After strapping on our gear, the initial climb proved to be light work for all of us. As we ascended to the base camp at 3,650 meters, the landscape transformed, presenting us with both physical and mental hurdles. The air thinned, much like the challenges that required careful negotiation. However, amidst the difficulties, the base camp felt like a haven—a place to gather strength and camaraderie for the ascent that lay ahead.

Camp I of Thalo Zom:

Camp I, perched at 4,750 meters, was where two of my friends were ready to give up. Here, the challenges took on a personal dimension, demanding not only physical prowess but also mental fortitude. The frigid weather along with the incredibly difficult route made our journey intense, but the feeling of making a descent back to the ground without reaching the summit, made all of us persist. 

Camp II and III of Thalo Zom:

Scaling the heights to Camp II at 5,100 meters, we navigated the mountain’s nuances, each step feeling like decoding the intricate architecture of a palace. Camp III, standing at an imposing 5,400 meters, tested our limits, but the breathtaking view served as a reward, like the first treat you give yourself after you get your salary or just viewing the breathtaking scenery while sitting on top of a breathtaking mountain, knowing you have worked hard for this view.

Reaching The Breathtaking Summit of Thalo Zom:

Reaching the summit at 6,050 meters was a triumph etched with personal victories. Thalo Zom became more than a climb, narrating the triumph over personal challenges and the forging of bonds amidst adversity. It crafted cherished memories against the awe-inspiring canvas of nature’s majesty.


As I reluctantly said goodbye to the Thalo Zom Mountains, I knew that this trip had changed me forever. It revealed nature’s wonders, emphasized friendship’s importance, and celebrated the joy of new experiences. My friends and I watched the sunset together, painting the sky with hues of orange, pink, and gold. The beauty of those moments etched themselves into our hearts forever. It truly was the best thing ever. An unforgettable and beautiful trip.

To check out more of my adventures, read the article below:

Lady Finger Peak: An Astonishing Journey To The Dreamy Peak

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