Tirich Mir: A Travel Guide to the King of Hindu Kush

As a nerd, it is my habit or an amusing hobby to delve into the details of my travel destinations, specifically embarking before my next adventure towards the king of the Hindu Kush mountain range, Tirich Mir.

Perched with the other mountains of the range, Tirich Mir reigns supreme outside the Himalayas and Karakoram mountains. Rising at an elevation of 7,708 m (25,289 ft) above sea level, this pinnacle of prestige is situated in the Chitral district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.

The peak stands with its grandeur and allure for tourists to visit. The breathtaking vistas and lush landscapes make it a must-see destination to add to the bucket list while traveling to Pakistan. Ranking the 33rd highest mountain globally, it also claims the crown as the loftiest peak in the Hindu Kush range.

Rather than just paying a casual visit, I tried to understand the details and intricacies of every place I wanted to explore. Engaging with the locals, I inquire about the fascinating facts of the mountains. For instance, Tirich Mir has the moniker of King of Darkness due to its mighty mass that shadowed the Wakhan side. This is a long and narrow strip that separates Tajikistan from Pakistan.

Accolading it with the moniker “King of Hindu Kush”, Tirich Mir casts its imposing shadow over the landscape. Unveiling the marvels of Tirich Mir and trekking through the lush landscapes of Pakistan, this article has everything you need to know!

Folklores Associated with Tirich Mir:

Upon mingling with the people of Kalash Valley, we heard the two famous folk tales associated with the mountain. One is from the point of view of the Polytheist people of Kalash, who believe this is the goddess Kurmai’s shelter place.

She looks like a wild goat and is in charge of childbirth. In a story, she once caused trouble with other gods, and to escape, she jumped into a fast river. Running up a cliff, Kurmai creates its shape with her hooves. Later, she prepares a feast for the gods, who accept her into their group.

However, the Muslim Chitrali people believe this mountain is a home of fairies and a fortress. They think that anyone attempting to climb it will be in danger and may even end up dead. These fairies are called “Bohtan Doyak,” which means “stone throwers.”

After hearing the stories from the people of Kalash, it sent shivers down my spine and made me reluctant to continue my journey.

But the price has been paid,

and the decision has been made.

So, no changes to the plan;

just continue ahead!

Journey to Chitral:

Embarking on a journey to Chitral from Islamabad, immersing myself in anticipation of the adventure ahead. With my adventurer group, I set off the route to Chitral by road. Witnessing the captivating beauty of the mountains amplified the journey’s thrill to reach the destination soon.

Opting for a jeep ride, we drove to the final driving destination, Kalash Valley. As I become fully involved in the valley’s lively community, I experience the friendly hospitality of its residents and relish the diversity of Chitral’s cultural heritage.

Strolling in the streets of Chitral, we then went to the famous Badshahi Mosque. The aura here creates a mysterious atmosphere by fusing spirituality with the breathtaking beauty of the surroundings, all against the majestic backdrop of Tirich Mir.

Tirich is the last village before the mountain, which serves as a gateway to the monumental ascent. After conquering the top of Tirich Mir, a panoramic spectacle unfolds, giving an aerial view of the vast Chitral District.


Trekking Routes to Tirich Mir Babu Camp:

Tirich glacier trekking to the center of the high Hindu Kush range is a challenging terrain with majestic surrounding mountains. Our tour guide told us that both facilities are available whether going by trek trails or by road.

We head up to the mountain of Tirich Mir by beginning our journey on the trek trails to reach the basecamp of Tirich Mir, known as Babu Camp, which is set up at a height of 4724m. This basecamp is called Babu Camp because it bears the honored name of the veteran guide, Babu Muhammad.

So I packed myself with the essentials of preservatory foods, a wide-brimmed hat, sturdy boots, and a well-prepared backpack. I set forth on my journey, aiming for less chaos and more enjoyment. Also, don’t forget to put on sunscreen no matter what season you choose for your adventure.

Upon reaching the Kalash Valley, our tour guide let us know the two trek routes, Torkhow Valley or the Zani Pass. Both are recommended for acclimatization and allow us to enjoy the route with scenic views. These trek routes take us to the esteemed Babu Camp. Without any delay, we embarked on our journey, choosing the Zani Pass as our starting point.

Kalash Valley — Zani Pass — Shahgrom — Sheiniak — Shugurbaisum — Babu Camp

The trek from Zani Pass leads through Shahgrom, Sheiniak, and Shugurbaisum, with each stop offering a picturesque camping site. These strategic halts serve as resting spots and provide an opportunity to enjoy camping at every destination to make the most of their expedition and adventure tale.

Trek to Zani Pass:

While spending days in the valley of Kalash, We hire a jeep to take you to the next destination, Zani Pass. It is a critical trekking route for adventurers exploring the majestic Tirich Mir.

Trekking in the Zani Pass at an elevation of 3886m proves to be an ideal location to trek and witness the panoramic views of the Istor-o-Nal, Buni Zom, foothills of Tirich Mir, and many other high peaks of Hindu Kush mountains.

While locals are very hospitable to the region, the Hindu Kush mountains are located at a remote location, making encounters with fellow travelers rare along the lengthy pathway. So, it’s a good call to bring extra water bottles to keep yourself hydrated in the long walk.

Trekking around the snow-capped peaks, lush valleys, and diverse flora gives the eyes and soul a surreal pleasure. The destination helps greenhorn hikers like us to get used to the high-altitude environment before ascending to Tirich Mir.

Trek to Shahgrom:

After a steep descent from the Zani Pass, a journey leads to the magical Shahgrom Village. Leisurely walking through the village, I can witness the stunning vistas, engaging with the local community in the tranquil surroundings. At this point, I realized that hiring a tour guide was an appropriate decision to understand Shahgrom’s cultural and historical facts better.


Trek to Sheiniak and Shugurbaisum:

From Shahgrom, the trek to Lower Tirich Glacier takes a few stops to be covered. At a walking distance of approx 45 minutes, we reached through wheat fields and small trees of Tirich Gol. As we step forward, the valley becomes narrower, limiting views to Tirich Mir, but the high rocky walls of the steep area fuel the excitement.

The path takes us to the first spot of Atrak, a green area filled with bush-like trees and a refreshing water stream. Going further by trekking, we are in the region of Bandook or Sheinyak, making us closer to the Babu Camp.

Trek to Babu Camp :

After this arduous and challenging trek trail, the last leg of the trek takes us to the Babu Camp of Tirich Mir after climbing and crossing the Lower Tirich Glacier. Traversing this rugged terrain filled with crevasses, boulders, and terminal moraine takes days or even hours.

But the hard work pays off after reaching the elevated ground of Babu Camp and witnessing the majestic heights of the Karakoram Range, including Noshaq, Istr-o-Nal, and the awaiting Tirich Mir.

Base Camp Experience:

The indescribable sensation sweeps over me as I establish the Babu Camp with my fellow adventurers. At an altitude of 4724m, battling frigid temperatures while defying all the odds, and still pursuing my dreams to explore and adventure.

Lying beneath the King of Darkness, Tirich Mir, spending a night in this hauntingly beautiful setting is both eerie and enchanting. Resting under the star-gazing sky, contemplating the folklore of fairies and goddess Kumrani adds a layer of horror and awe to the experience. However, casting aside such thoughts, I emphasize to ponder over the grandeur of Tirich Mir, which leaves my jaw dropped.


Historical Expedition to Tirich Mir:

Historical chronicles state that during 1928-1929, officials from the Survey of India made an unsuccessful attempt to summit Tirich Mir. Subsequently, in 1939, a group of German explorers ascended the mountain.  By reaching the southern ridge of the massif, they couldn’t proceed further.

The breakthrough finally came around 1949 – 1950 when two Norwegian climbers, philosophy professor Arne Naess and climber Arne Randers Heen, successfully undertook an expedition to conquer the highest mountain of the Hindu Kush Range, Tirich Mir.


The journey to Tirich Mir is an awe-inspiring odyssey that transcends beyond physical discovery. The path towards the towering peak is surmounted with courage and determination.

Also, my experience with the challenging trek and climbing adventure is worthwhile enough. Unfolding nature’s beauty and examining personal development, Tirich Mir Mountain is ideal for avid climbers.

This peak is also ideal for seasonal climbers. Those who are eyeing to prepare themselves to ascend the other mountain ranges of Pakistan. Including the dream-worthy Himalaya’s Nanga Parbat and the challenging Karakoram range, with the towering K2 being the pinnacle of many climbers’ aspirations.

The majestic beauty of Tirich Mir attracts tourists like me globally. It beckons the explorers to make a summit along with the mountains that captivate tourists with their majestic scenery and beautiful visuals in the Hindukush Range.

The allure of the unique landscapes continues to captivate adventurers from across the globe. While the journey trails have beautiful sojourns and souvenirs, it is best to have this experience once.

Click for delving into the exhilarating tale of the next destination, “Discover the Wonders of High Altitude Darkot Pass“.

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