Scars and Summit: Finding Strength in Yutmaru Sar’s Shadow

Descent from Kunyang Chhish:

Descending the exhilarating journey from Kunyang Chhish, we took a brief pause before continuing the journey to Yutmaru Sar. As Mishi and I were tired of climbing the steeper slopes, we needed to relax, so we sat in the base camp for some hours. Our faces reflected the thrill of the trek, the accomplishment of the summit, and the lingering exhaustion of pushing the summit.

Kunyang Chhish is a marvel of gleam and glory. The journey towards the Kunyang Chhish was itself a self-revealing journey and now we are commencing another part of this wholesome land, an ethereal rugged beauty of the Karakoram Range, Yutmaru Sar. Yutmaru Sar is a formidable 7,283-meter peak standing in the vastness of Hispar range, a sub-range of Karakoram.

Gathering our energy and our gear, we stand up to bid farewell to Kunyang Chhish. As we were proceeding towards our next destination, an unexpected mishap met us. A sudden rockfall came rolling down from the mountain. Mishi stumbles and just skips the near-death call, injuring her ankle. Panic set in, and climbers came to watch her, but my quick thinking and the first aid box I always bear proved to be providential.

Kunyang Chhish Peak.

After rescuing Mishi, we found refuge in a nearby Kunyang Chhish, and I applied medication to her injured ankle. Fortunately, her wound was not harsh and deep, and by applying cream over her foot, it got better over time. While using the emergency supplies to stabilize the ankle, we stay for a short duration until Mishi gets completely better.

We shifted our plan to stay in a camp there while Mishi healed completely. As the time passed and the day drew to an end, I kept asking her every now and then if she was feeling better. Luckily, her strong willpower and enthusiasm for the journey kept her ignited, and after getting rest for a day, she managed to be on her feet again. I insisted to Mishi that we could stay here for another day if her injury was still bothering her in walking. But she was again fueled with the same energy to resume the trek without any delay.    

I lay my helping hand before him as she started walking, and she, holding my hand, slowly stepped forward. My inner self was echoing with the voice of “You’ll get through this, Mishi”. It wasn’t just a promise to her; it was a vow to myself, a testament to the inner strength I had forged in the fires of past challenges. At that moment, the weight of responsibility of Mishi became not a burden but a mantle of leadership, which I donned with quiet confidence, ready to guide and shield her through the storm ahead.

Journey to Yutmaru Sar:

With resilience and patience, we manoeuvre in the Hispar Glacier towards Yutmaru Sar’s direction. The Kunyang Chhish Mountain and Yutmaru Sar are at a visible distance. I possessively ordered Mish that if during the journey you needed to take a break or rest, let us know. I assured her that there was nothing more important than your health, and if we had to call off the tour, we could. But Mishi was in full zeal. She didn’t want to make changes to the plan due to her injury, but I assured her if she needed any break, she would let us know.

Climbers camping in Gilgit Baltistan.

Taking more time than required, we reached the Base Camp of Yutmaru Sar. Yutmaru Sar is a formidable 7,283-meter peak standing in the vastness of Hispar range, a sub-range of Karakoram. After a gruelling journey, we were thankful to God that Mishi’s ankle was healing, but the climb remained a daunting prospect. As we acclimatize, whispers of doubt cloud my mind. Can we truly attempt Yutmaru Sar, especially with Mishi’s injury? Thinking of this question leads to internal conflict, questioning our capabilities and the risks involved.

Shushing my mind’s voice, I firsthand established the base camp and spent some time relaxing with Mishi. I inquired about her health and looked after her until she slept before me. Slowly creeping towards her, I rotated her foot to know if she was actually well or just pretending. Her foot seemed to be healed, and after seeing her content, I also took a nap.

As the next day begins, we climb towards the greater heights of Yutmaru Sar. The initial excitement gives way to the harsh realities of high-altitude mountaineering – bone-chilling winds, treacherous crevasses, and the ever-present threat of avalanches. But all of these aspects were in our minds, and Mishi’s recently healed ankle was more of our concern. We headed to Camp I slowly and acclimatized there. 

Halted the Mission Summit and Beyond:

Our plan shifted when we halted to ascend further as the freezing weather would not be suitable for Mishi. Reaching the summit seems impossible, and even descending safely becomes questionable. But she insisted on going ahead, but this time, I was not convinced to listen to her. A heart-wrenching discussion ensued. I told her that we were finishing this journey here so that we could proceed to our home being fit as a fiddle. Mishi acknowledged the dangers and the potential futility of pushing on. In a poignant moment, we decided to turn back, prioritizing our lives over the summit.

Hispar Glacier
Hispar Glacier

Every mountain came with its own set of challenges, but this time, the challenge multiplied with Mishi’s injury. Our strengths and weaknesses were tested throughout this incredible journey. Mishi’s courage shines through her pain while unearthing my leadership and technical skills to keep the trip moving forward. They rely on each other, which strengthens our unbreakable bond. The visit to Yutmaru Sar remains a struggling one, but as we explored other destinations. Yutmaru Sar is different because it lets us explore our capabilities, our mettle, and our determination.

Yutmaru Sar will remain in our hearts forever. We continued our journey, discovering more stunning facets of the Karakoram, with each peak whispering a distinct tale. However, Yutmaru Sar will always have a particular place in our hearts. Its wild beauty and the difficulties it presents to us. It was more than just a mountain; it was a crucible that shaped our spirit and left an enduring impression on our odyssey. 

Embrace the Wonder of our previous travel tale: Kunyang Chhish: A Marvel of Land Touching the Celestial Limits.

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